Tag: Create Awesome Challenge

Are You Making This Mistake When Pitching to Prospects?


The worst time to pitch to potential prospects is when you need a new client. That’s mistake #1.

No, not the prospecting…

The needing. That’s the mistake.

Let’s get one thing straight: You don’t need anyone. People want you. People want what you have. People want what you’re offering.

It’s not just a mindset, it’s the truth. If you’re reading this blog chances are you’re a graphic designer, a photographer, a writer, or some kind of solo entrepreneur.

According to the Small Business Association, there are 27 million businesses in the US. All of whom need a service that you can provide.

Three weeks ago, I walked into ACME on an empty stomach. The shopping list was simple:

  • Fruit
  • Veggies
  • Almond milk
  • Rice
  • Thin sliced chicken breasts
  • …and a few other items that I can’t seem to remember

Those items ended up in my shopping cart because I needed them…

and then I walked by the Hot-n-Ready section… I salivated at the greasy fried foods.

I was dieting.

I was budgeting.

I did not care.

The fried chicken didn’t stand a chance. By the time I walked in the door all that was left were the bones.

I was ashamed.

I wasted the time I had spent dieting, the money that could have went to something more useful(or healthy), and most importantly I regretted every irreversible action between grabbing the chicken, checking out at the register, and eating it on the way home. I knew it was something I shouldn’t have done but caved because I was shopping on an empty stomach.

You shouldn’t go grocery shopping on an empty stomach because of the regrettable ramifications… You shouldn’t approach prospects when the landlord just knocked on your door to collect the rent money that you don’t have. Your proposals will come off pushy, arrogant, annoying, and 98% of your proposals will be rejected.

Organization & strategy begets success. Tweet that out!

Just like when you’re grocery shopping, you’ll want to organize your method of approach when calling, emailing, or speaking to your prospects.

Learn how to systematize the process here.




One of the things that many creatives who fly solo struggle with is meeting deadlines, even if this comes to their personal goals. Execution is important, but being timely is a real concern. 80% on time will always be better than 100% late. When you are freelancing, one of the pitfalls is a lack of accountability. You don’t have someone you are directly answerable to.

A way around this is to find Accountability Partners. These are others you can share your goals with, while not worrying about jeopardizing your business. Typically these will be close friends, family or colleagues.

Create Awesome Challenge #1

Find your Accountability Partners. Find people who you can trust and who will help you stay on task. They are not just supposed to give you reminders about your deadlines, but genuinely inquire as to the progress and help you move forward if you’re stuck. You also have to be willing and able to do the same for them in return.

Ideally you will want to have 3-4 Accountability partners, so that you can always be sure there will be someone to rake you over the coals if you drop the ball. This will help you stay focused and build more discipline if that is something you struggle with.

If there is something else you are struggling with, let me know in the comments section or feel free to twee at me @robertoblake.

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